

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lazy Snow Days

As a kid I loved snow days.
As a college student I loved snow days.
As a teacher I love snow days.
As a Mommy, I LOVE snow days!!!

What is even better? My husband has one too! Granted, he will have to work from 5AM to 10:30PM tomorrow because to A) make up the hours from not going in today, and B) help with snow removal at the high school where he works as a custodian.

Right now I am watching my Cuddle Bug explore the living room that he is simultaneously tearing apart. Since he has started crawling, and pulling himself up on things, he has become FIERCELY independent. He is not really seeming much like my Cuddle Bug-- unless he is sleeping. He wants to be on the floor, crawling toward the latest forbidden something!

Soccer Boy is an excellent Big Brother. He has been AMAZING about sharing his things. He is protective, caring and absolutely adores his little brother. We are so proud of him!

I have a question for all of you...

I have less than 100 miles in on my running sneaker, but my right leg -- not quite my shin, not quite my calf, sort of in between on the outside, is getting tight with increasing regularity. Does that sound like it could be a shoe issue? It is definitely a problem, because I can feel the direct link to my arch issues in my left foot.

Any suggestions?
