

Monday, January 3, 2011

Why I loved 2010!

Yes, arguably I am a bit late with my "year in review" and "resolution/goal setting" posts.

I was on vacation. Which meant that I was soaking up every last moment of snuggling with my 9 month old, and tickles with my 4 and a half year old.

We had a wonderful vacation filled with so much laughter, and smiles and fun. (There was also teething, talking back and time-outs. *Shrug* You know how it is!)

2010 was a year that I will never forget.
1. My second child was born.
2. I became a runner, and in doing so, accomplished something I had always thought was impossible.
3. I dealt with Post Partum Depression, and began taking an anti-depressant.
4. We got a major call on our lives, and have started the plans in motion, and are excited about the future.
5. Because of the call (see #4), we left the church that we loved, and are now driving an hour each way to a new church, that we ALSO love.
6. My husband started putting practical needs ahead of everything else. Case in point? He asked for clothes for Christmas, and was actually excited to receive them.
7. My Soccer Boy made a very exciting, life-changing decision, and we couldn't be more proud of him!!
8. I would be accurate in calling my Mom my sister, which has been a dream of mine since I became a Christian in 1999.
9. I have a group of seniors that have been with me since they were 5th graders, and I absolutely adore them, and they graduate this year. I have actually managed to hold it together for MOST of the year. :) This particular group, just so you have an idea, in September of 2009 I was driving to school, and I realized that they would be seniors the NEXT year, and I cried the rest of the 20 minutes to school. So for me to be functioning as well as I have been is quite an accomplishment. I try not to think "this is my last Christmas concert with my seniors..." and things like that.
10. My little cuddle bug is not so little any more, wearing 18 months clothing quite well at the tender age of 9 months. He has hit so many adorable milestones!

So even with the hard things, this has been a WONDERFUL year. I am NOT sad to see it go, because all of the wonderful things are just going to CARRY OVER into the future. And, my friends, this is a future that I am pretty darn psyched to greet!

I can't stop smiling! My life is just terrifically (woot! I love making up words!) awesome!