My parents gave me my birthday Garmin on Saturday, and I was all set and scheduled to start rocking my C25K workouts like NObody's business.
(cue violins)
Somehow, while standing and teaching, or walking, or doing something equally NOT STRENUOUS, I wrenched a muscle in my back.
There has been some serious discomfort.
And then, while I know we have nothing to complain about, the weather has been rainy, rainy, dreary yucky, until this morning.
Well, hello, Mr. Sun! I had forgotten what you looked like.
Oh, of course there is the cold
Add in leftover desserts, easter candy, and a general feeling of malaise or angst, and you have the recipe for a seriously overwhelmed mama.
Oh.... I forgot to mention that the real root of the STRESS is that I have scheduled the concerts for my school bands and now I am freaking out because... it's what I do. *shrug*
I need to do something.
I have been toying with the idea of eliminating sugar from my diet.
I won't lie - that idea scares me to pieces.
(Which is part of the reason that I think I might have to do it.)
It will take planning.
Serious sweet tooth? check.
Must have an alternative on hand at all times.
Oh goodness.
There are other options:
Counting calories at again.
Eating intuitively.
Portion control. (more like Portion POLICING)
There have to be other options....
Cutting white flour? (oh no..... that is one that I SHOULD do, but.... how do I even begin???)
I have no idea what to do, or where to start.
I have to go organize something.